Wednesday 1 July 2015

Have you seen a striking unique Image Gallery for prints that you can buy?

Well time for a new direction - and that is art photography.

Please feel free to visit my new website Image Library here at ZenFolio:

Photograph Art Gallery and Prints for Sale

Thanks once again and I hope you find something you would want to buy amongst the any hundreds of striking unique prints

If you prefer I also have another site that offers all types of prints, from sheet metal, acrylic, canvas as well as iPhone and Samsung phone cases...

Fine Art America - Johnnie D Williams Unique Prints for Sale

Always feel free to contact me either through this blog or through my Image Library websites. If you're looking for a particular image or style then let me know.


Friday 20 February 2015

Best songs for spring cleaning motivation

Starting a spring clean requires motivational music. Music helps energise the human body getting you in preparation for the monumental task of cleaning your house. Making your body work faster without tiring is the key to boosting your spring clean efforts.

Selecting the right songs to go with your energetic spring cleaning can help you get more work done in less time. When selecting your choice of spring cleaning music it’s also a fantastic idea to amalgamate different genres. Providing a reflective phase helps absorb the spring change in weather, during moments of tranquillity as you spring clean.

Survivor – “Eye of the Tiger”
High energy song designed to get you and your family moving like little versions of Rocky Balboa. Survivor remains an uplifting song with a high energy drama effect.

Queen – “Another One Bites the Dust”
Perfect energetic music for spring cleaning, indeed most of Queen’s songs will work well, due to the power of Freddie Mercury’s voice and the band as a whole.

Katrina and the Waves – “Walking on Sunshine”
Excellent high energy music and a perfect spring clean buzz Katrina and the Waves, leads to an energetic finale. More reflective music follows, however Katrina generates amazing energy for dusting away those winter cobwebs.

The Beatles - “Here Comes the Sun”
A gentle reflective song features in your spring clean music as The Beatles starts your melodic phase of your spring cleaning music selection

Diane King - “I say a Little Prayer” or Aretha Franklin version
Either of these two great variations of this invigorating cleaning song will work to bring you into a heightened spring cleaning mood.

Fats Waller - “Spring Cleaning”
The epitome of spring cleaning music combining a jazz element of trumpet with the cool vocals of Fats Waller this song is the perfect spring cleaning music. Gentle swings in sound help give you a rhythmic motion as you dust down your house ready for the revitalisation of spring.

Carlos Santana's - “Primavera”
Perfect balance between spring time vitality combined with the superb musicianship of Santana. A gentle soothing yet fast temp track to help elevate your spring cleaning to dizzying new heights.
Combining the best music themes with ideas about the sun as well as fast up-tempo energetic music remains the most essential way of finding the best songs for spring cleaning. Fuse ideas about the light sun while combining with musical notions of spring to create high energy emotions. 

This musical inspiration will help you with for the physical action of cleaning while creating the perfect spring mood. Gentler selections of music will help massage your cerebral qualities, as you mark the transition from winter to spring. The best spring music for cleaning should become a part of your every year spring cleaning ritual, helping to uplift your spirit, while giving you additional energy for the cleaning tasks ahead.

Cleaning games for young children

A way to make cleaning games fun should involve several separate elements for their ultimate success. Through games children learn to interact, have fun, as well as to learn. Combining various game elements with an important task such as cleaning provides the best of both worlds. However it's necessary to suit the game to the age of your young children. The games should remain challenging enough to provide real entertainment, yet simple enough so all children feel equally involved.

Help your children create ideas during an idea storming session
Make a fun interactive idea session where every child has a say in what needs accomplishing. Guide your children as a parent while still showing their independence as well as ideas remain relevant. Young children love to feel like they're making important choices within the family unit. Use a drawing board to help write down new ideas.

Clean a room or area as a race between children. The job once completed must have oversight from you as referee. Best job gets a point or a pre-arranged reward. This game remains easily adaptable to different tasks. Dusting, cleaning, tidying as well as polishing items all remain suitable tasks for young children.

Speed Trash Rules
This game involves a timer with each child having a separate tidy box. A simple fun way to get your children to tidy up quickly involves each child rushing to put away their items before the clock runs out. Another version keeps the clock ticking with rewards for completing the tidying within differing time-zones. Discuss the prizes as well as the rules before the game commences.

Rock the DJ cleaning game rewards
Winners of minor cleaning game events can also have the option of becoming the DJ for the next two songs. This offers an ideal incentive for winning as well as ensuring family interaction. The advantage also remains that every child has a decision on what music's played.

Stock take challenge
With parental supervision have your children involved in locating and making an inventory of all your household cleaning products. This can help awareness of their danger to chemicals combined with the need for increased safety consciousness. This game also allows for maths and English to come to the front of your child's education.

Creating imaginative cleaning games for children not only helps their interaction within the family, but also helps raise the importance of cleanliness within the house. Fun activities help children understand about competing as well as rewards for successful results. Keep the cleaning sessions short to maintain young children's attention as well to get the best efforts from your children.

No one will enjoy marathon cleaning events that drag on forever. So keep the cleaning games short in duration. Or break the games up into a mini-Grand Prix occasion with separate events. Just remember to make the games appropriate for your children's age then let the cleaning game fun begin.

Tips to encourage children to help with spring cleaning

A spring clean remains an essential event for every household. Keeping up children’s motivation help’s encourage their activity when spring cleaning as well as combining the importance of cleanliness and fun. The key remains making the spring cleaning even amusing. If a spring clean remains controlled to the point that it seems draconian, it will not become beneficial or even enjoyable.

Keep the spring clean plans light, fun, and inspirational. Plan ahead through winter and ensure the family continues to remain aware of the day when the spring clean begins. Help to build anticipation as well as encouragement into the event. This will help your children to understand its importance.

Spring cleaning should become a fun activity, not a chore undertaken in duress. Helpful, loving encouragement, combined with a sense of fun, will help your spring clean go at an unprecedented speed. Keeping your children encouraged will help create a memorable experience for everybody involved.

Good energetic music can help create a sense of a fun energetic atmosphere, increasing productivity, while making children buzz with vigour. Allow your children to choose the music they prefer for spring cleaning. You children’s favourite music will help them become energised as they combine music with their cleaning activity.

Simple easy tasks such as moving, dusting, or washing floors can become integrated into spring cleaning games which children enjoy. A series of spring cleaning games can help motivate young children as well as more senior children. Providing fun ways to clean helps everybody within the house feel a part of the spring cleaning process.

Give a specific task based on your children’s inherent abilities. If they like to organise, allow the child to organise categories of junk. If they prefer energetic actions, get them in charge of dusting specific areas.

Have a healthy incentive afterwards like a family cookout, or a rewarding movie for your children's hard-work. Remember to keep spring cleaning as short bursts with clearly defined goals. The thought of cleaning with no apparent end will quickly de-motivate your children, draining their previous levels of encouragement.

Make cleaning fun by hiding mini-eggs, sweets, or pretend silver coins that offer an incentive for children to get busy moving small items. The silver coins can then act as a trade token for various items during stages through the spring cleaning event.

Set a clearly defined time for how long cleaning will take. If it’s one day make it clear from the beginning. Likewise a morning or afternoon spring clean will help encourage your children as they’ll understand what’s required from their effort.

Getting the most from your children during a spring clean is a result of providing the correct encouragement. Through establishing the event ahead of schedule, the children will begin to become aware of the spring cleans significance. Help make the cleaning fun, in short bursts, while offering clearly defined goals as well as incentives for completion. Use energetic music, ideally chosen with the help of your children, to gain the greatest encouragement factor during the spring cleaning event.

Spring cleaning what to donate and what to keep

Spring cleaning exists as the need dispose of those unwanted items collected over the course of many years. However people often display a hoarding nature. Choosing what to keep while eyeing with interest the donation pile adds to the overall confusion. Having a way to making a choice much simpler helps speed up the spring cleaning process.
Think of creating space as a way to grow and redefine yourself. Through the act of throwing away an old item you can access a spiritually enlightening as well as a refreshing experience. Spring cleaning helps create a healthier tidier house as well.
But what to keep and what to throw away will remain the causes of much spring cleaning consternation. An older more elaborate item may become worth far more in the future than its original price. Yet it may also remain an item of unquestionable junk too.
An external appraiser could ascertain the value for your items. It may help you decide what to keep and what to donate. This remains a particularly important avenue of deciding what items to keep if you have large, painting, antiques, or furniture.
There are of course many Internet based guides as well as antiquity books available on the market today that give value to items that are considered highly collectible. EBay as well as Amazon can help you ascertain the value of an item as you’ll see a current price with items similar to your own.
As you spring clean it’s apparent that many things today do not hold their value well. Books as well as DVDs/Blu-rays seem to drop in value so quickly, yet can remain an important part of your personal collection. However your redundant items remain suitable for other people. Through donating you are offering other people a chance to gain pleasure from your item, as well as allowing a charity shop a chance to raise money for a good cause.
Spring cleaning is about cutting loose of older, less significant items. There remains really only one way to proceed. That old item became a part of your spring clean clutter for a reason. It had a use that’s now become superseded by another item of more relevance. It’s been consigned to the loft or garage because its time has passed, so there’s really no need to keep onto it any longer.
Part of the spring clean catharsis remains removing those old unwanted items. Think of items you can keep as presents of heirlooms for your family. Even friends may approve of older quality items, providing they’re clean and free of damage. Think about what can help other people as well as charities and you’ll have an ideal plan to help promote other people’s satisfaction.

Friday 13 February 2015

A quick guide to PC and notebook computer spring cleaning

Your house isn’t the only aspect of modernity that still needs a spring clean. Surprisingly giving your digital network a spring clean ensures longevity, increased performance, as well as excellent digital organization. 

Making your digital appliances work better for you allows faster retrieval of information, ease of file location, extra storage space, and absorbing latest forms of applications. A digital spring clean allows a speedier organized approach to your digital empire. This accomplishment remains easily possible with a practical spring clean guide focusing on your digital applications.

Dust out your PC for improved performance


Physical clean your computer as well as removing dust with compressed air can. Read the customer reviews for Dust-Off Compressed Gas Duster - over 170 Customers give this compressed air can a 5 Star! Disconnect properly from your mains supply to ensure your safety. Check that you’re static free, before touching and components inside of your computer. You can discharge this static by touching the metal case of your computer.

Computer system tools to use - scandisk as well as chkdsk


Delete old temporary folders within your PC; use chkdsk to clean unwanted files from your computer as well. Check your hard-drive for compression allocations through the use of scandisk. Scandisk will also repair fragmented files for faster hard-drive reading.

Remove old unwanted programs as part of your digital spring clean


Continue to remove your old computer programs and shortcuts from your PC or notebook. Unwanted programs will drain your computer resources while slowing down your machine.

Label files correctly


Reallocate files photos, videos and music to more specific folders. Remove any junk files so making your computer easier to navigate.

Transfer files from digital storage devices


Transfer photos as well as videos off your digital cameras, phones, and video cameras. Organize into specifically titled folders, making retrieval easier. Always make sure you regularly back up your data, we live in the data age now so we need to ensure we still have access to our personal data files. I recommend the Toshiba Canvio 1.0 TB USB 3.0 Basics Portable Hard Drive - It's an easy to use 5 Star Product according to 2,500 Customers! Make sure your data is backed up when computer spring cleaning!

Spring clean your workspace


A simple cable-tie sort out, combined with a desk spring clean, will help improve your work-area beyond belief. Creating an improved work-area, and in addition a new social area, will dramatically increase your positive energy.

Flash stick/USB Cards encryption


Ensure your Flash stick devices and USB sticks remain synched as well as encrypted.  Check that your flash sticks have the correct format for your PC.

Anti-Virus update and full scan


Certify the latest updates have fully installed on your anti-virus program. Perform a full system scan from within safe mode to delete any viruses or Trojans. Use additional spyware and malware programs to keep your computer healthy after the digital spring cleaning has taken place. A healthy PC runs faster in addition to becoming safer to use. A well known Internet Security Anti-Virus product is Kaspersky. The Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 is for 3 users (1 year subscription) which is great for keeping your family network protected.

Loyalty cards transitioning to your smart phones

Move loyalty cards to your smart-phone. CardStar app exists as a free application from Blackberry App World, iTunes, or Android Market. This saves space in your wallet or purse, while ensuring you digital versions of your loyalty cards exists in a single place.

Spring cleaning your digital devices helps eliminate unnecessary files, folders, and programs from clogging up your machines. 


By reallocating your files and folders into label specific categories you make accessing your media far more streamlined as well as getting rid of unwanted media. A work-area that’s free from clutter makes a more positive dynamic working area helping you to stay focused without becoming distracted from any mess.

Good spring cleaning helps increase the life of your digital equipment, as well as resulting in a more stable working environment. Simply assign a day to work on the areas you require and you’ll have superior running equipment that will last longer than usual.