Friday 20 February 2015

Cleaning games for young children

A way to make cleaning games fun should involve several separate elements for their ultimate success. Through games children learn to interact, have fun, as well as to learn. Combining various game elements with an important task such as cleaning provides the best of both worlds. However it's necessary to suit the game to the age of your young children. The games should remain challenging enough to provide real entertainment, yet simple enough so all children feel equally involved.

Help your children create ideas during an idea storming session
Make a fun interactive idea session where every child has a say in what needs accomplishing. Guide your children as a parent while still showing their independence as well as ideas remain relevant. Young children love to feel like they're making important choices within the family unit. Use a drawing board to help write down new ideas.

Clean a room or area as a race between children. The job once completed must have oversight from you as referee. Best job gets a point or a pre-arranged reward. This game remains easily adaptable to different tasks. Dusting, cleaning, tidying as well as polishing items all remain suitable tasks for young children.

Speed Trash Rules
This game involves a timer with each child having a separate tidy box. A simple fun way to get your children to tidy up quickly involves each child rushing to put away their items before the clock runs out. Another version keeps the clock ticking with rewards for completing the tidying within differing time-zones. Discuss the prizes as well as the rules before the game commences.

Rock the DJ cleaning game rewards
Winners of minor cleaning game events can also have the option of becoming the DJ for the next two songs. This offers an ideal incentive for winning as well as ensuring family interaction. The advantage also remains that every child has a decision on what music's played.

Stock take challenge
With parental supervision have your children involved in locating and making an inventory of all your household cleaning products. This can help awareness of their danger to chemicals combined with the need for increased safety consciousness. This game also allows for maths and English to come to the front of your child's education.

Creating imaginative cleaning games for children not only helps their interaction within the family, but also helps raise the importance of cleanliness within the house. Fun activities help children understand about competing as well as rewards for successful results. Keep the cleaning sessions short to maintain young children's attention as well to get the best efforts from your children.

No one will enjoy marathon cleaning events that drag on forever. So keep the cleaning games short in duration. Or break the games up into a mini-Grand Prix occasion with separate events. Just remember to make the games appropriate for your children's age then let the cleaning game fun begin.

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